My Race Bucket List

Now that I’ve officially knocked out my first actual race, I feel more comfortable sharing this. I’ve always had a race bucket list, even when my relationship with running has been rocky.

1. A marathon in the World Marathon Majors: Boston, Chicago, New York, London, or Berlin.



Will I ever qualify for the Boston? Maybe, maybe not. Am I okay with maybe never running Boston? Yes, because I know that I’m not a natural runner and maybe the qualifying time will never be in my reach. But there are other big races out there, and I’m going to make darn sure to enjoy them!

2. A 10-miler, half, or full in Disney–or more?


Because I love Disney World like nobody’s business. (Yes, I am and always will be a kid at heart.) And how cool would it be to run through Disney? Super cool. Any other answer you may have had is wrong.

Disney also has 2 challenges above and beyond the full marathon. The lesser of the crazy ones (because a full marathon isn’t crazy enough) is the Goofy Marathon and a Half Challenge. According to Disney:

goofys challenge

Participants run the half on Saturday and then the full on Sunday. (Doesn’t that sound like so much fun?) You get 3 pieces of bling–1 for each race, and 1 for Goofy’s Challenge specifically.

goofys challenge medals

As if that wasn’t bad enough, Disney is debuting the Dopey Challenge in 2014. If you complete the 5k, 10k, half, and full, you can officially say you’re Dopey enough to run 48.6 miles worth of races in 4 days.


If you complete it, you get six pieces of bling–one for each race, one for Goofy’s Challenge, and one for the Dopey Challenge.

Will I ever be Goofy or Dopey enough to complete one of these? I won’t lie, the idea is incredibly appealing, if nothing else but to say that you did it. (Plus, it’s Disney. You can’t go wrong with Disney.) The reality, on the other hand… 😉 only time will tell!

3. Nike Women’s Half or Full.


Because (1) the full is in San Francisco and the half is in DC, and running in San Francisco or DC would be absolutely magical and (2) the medal is a Tiffany’s necklace. And they’re handed out by studly firemen. Uhm, yes please!


I’ve also heard that Nike does an excellent job of putting on a good race, so I guess there’s that, too. 😉

4. Nashville’s Country Music Half or Full.

nashville country music marathon

Since going to Texas for school, I’ve become a huge fan of country music. Since becoming a huge fan of country music, I’ve wanted to go to Nashville. Since becoming a runner (it still feels mildly weird to call myself that), I discovered Nashville’s Country Music Marathon. I listen to country music while I run anyways, so I might as well get the live thing, right? 😉

5. The Houston Half or Full.

houston marathon

This is definitely something I want to do before I graduate.

I had several friends and professors who’ve run Houston, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. I’m stuck in Houston for at least the next 2 years anyways, so I might as well enjoy it. 🙂

6. A trail race.

trail race

I like running on roads and through cities more because it’s much more entertaining to me than staring at trees for hours on end. But, one of the things I love about running is being so connected with nature, and where better to do so than on a trail in the middle of nowhere?

7. A race in the mountains.

mountain race

I’ve been obsessed with the mountains (hello, Colorado!) since I first set eyes on pictures of them. I got a small taste of what mountain life would be like when I visited colleges in Vermont and Massachusetts, and even those pale in comparison to the Rockies.

Where are some places/races that you want to run? If you’re not a runner, if given the opportunity to do some active activity (yoga, walking/hiking, anything!) in any place in the world, where would it be?

22 thoughts on “My Race Bucket List

  1. Well since our top 3 races are the same… I say we run one (or all) of them together. Boston is my dream, but I really want to do disney and obviously I’m never going to turn down a NWM race. Oh, and let’s add some fun ones like the electric one and the color run. I can’t take everything in life seriously!


      Ahhh I forgot about the fun ones! The Color Run and Tough Mudder are also both on my list! And Houston apparently has a Rave Run that I wanted to check out this year but never got the chance to…

  2. I would never qualify for Boston, but I have totally considered running sponsored on a team…ugh. I just need to start training! Totally on the bucket list, and I don’t care if I finished 8 hours later!

  3. I want to run Disney at some point too! And I am running the Nike Women’s Half in SF this fall (since it’s local to me). I really want to try a Mud Run, where you run through mud and all kinds of obstacles.

    • SO. JEALOUS. PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU. Or, you know, transport me there. 😛 Take a pic with the studly fireman for me! 😉

      Yeah! Some of my friends did the Tough Mudder last year and had a blast. Apparently those kinds of races have been put under the microscope lately because there have been injuries and even deaths that have happened… o.0

  4. I would also love through Disney. I just read a Runner’s World article that featured a picture of a runner going down Main Street USA with the castle in the background behind him and it just looked incredible. The scenery would keep me occupied during the whole race!

  5. That Dopey Challenge looks insane…and definitely something I’d like to try eventually. I’d also like to run a trail race in northwestern part of the US. Everytime I pick up a running magazine and see pictures of a race out there, I tell myself I’m going to do one…I just need to do it!

    While I’m never ruling out the possibility of getting the itch to try and qualify for Boston, I’m not there yet. I’d be content with finishing a marathon in the 3:30 range first…once I do that I MIGHT set my sites on running a BQ.

    • Ahh I agree! That’d be an amazing place to run. I’m not going to get the opportunity to race near Yellowstone when my family and I go this summer, but I’m still going to run through some of the trails there–that counts, right? 🙂

      Hah I’d be content with finishing a marathon, period. 😛 One day! 🙂

  6. A Disney race and racing Chicago/Boston are both on my bucket list, too – because no one does an event like Disney, and there’s something legendary about getting to say “yeah, I ran Boston…” Then again, I suppose I should start with any race that isn’t a 5K, lol!

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